In two years Chef’s Table brought us the culinary wisdom of 22 acclaimed chefs from all over the world who work and head the best restaurants with a sky-full of Michelin stars among them. The documentary series took us from Russia and Peru to South Korea and Japan to discover what inspires and motivates these talented people, their personal and professional journeys. The series is not only insightful, it is absolutely stunning and captivating to the eye. It’s not surprising the series has won an International Documentary Association Award and has been nominated for three Primetime Emmy Awards. Season 4 of Chef’s Table, which has just been announced by Netflix for April 13, 2018, will be a lot sweeter as this time the acclaimed docu-series will focus on renowned pastry chefs
以一个故事开头,讲Massimo发明了一个菜谱,继而巧妙地解决了地震引起的芝士堆积。由芝士引出了作为一个主厨对食材的尊重。年轻时候的迷茫—做传统食物—去世界看看—与心中的厨神近距离接触—为爱放弃好机会回到家乡开店—刚开始的不被理解—最后的成功,构成了整个故事。中间穿插了与妻子Lara相遇相爱的感情。我看见了一个对食物充满激情对生活充满热情的主厨。剧中几个细节让我不经意微笑。首先是电话求婚时的回答:太早了我先要去喝杯咖啡再回你电话。让我有一种一切都是随意却注定的感觉。中间介绍把传统食物做出新意时提到了tortellini,一盘菜只有六个tortellini,平时一满勺可以吃到十个tortellini,这盘菜连一满勺的tortellini都没有,当时的人们都觉得这个餐厅太丧心病狂了!后面那个摔坏的柠檬塔也很有意思,特别是看见厨师们认真把塔底放在甜品顶部再小心翼翼敲破,与名字OOPS!I dropped the lemon tart形成了一种反差萌。最后的最后Massimo告诉我们,与别人分享幸福与感受,让开心加倍,才是最重要的。