American Dad! is an American animated sit created by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker and Matt Weitzman for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Smiths, a dysfunctional family consisting of parents Stan and Francine and their children, budding adolescent Steve and new-age hippie Hayley. Other main characters include Hayley's stoner husband Jeff Fischer; the family's pet, Klaus, a man in a fish's body; and Roger, an alien who Stan has rescued from government capture and harbors in the family's attic. The show is set in the fictional town of Langley Falls, Virginia in the Washington, D.C. metro area, which is a gesture of parody of the actual town of Langley, Virginia, home to the headquarters of the CIA. Unlike its sister show Family Guy, American Dad! does not use cutaway gags, but rather focuses more on situational humor and non sequiturs. Since its debut on February 6, 2005, the show has broadcast 136 episodes and began airing season 8 on September 30, 2012.[1] American Dad! has been nominated for awards, most prominently two Primetime Emmy Awards and two Annie Awards.[2] American Dad! has also received mixed reviews, mirroring the reception of Family Guy, and has been criticized by watchdog groups such as the Parents Television Council.[3] It holds a TV-14 rating for suggestive dialogue (D), offensive language (L), moderate to strong sexual content (S), and graphic violence (V).uarters of the CIA. Unlike its sister show Family Guy, American Dad! does not use cutaway gags, but rather focuses more on situational humor and non sequiturs. Since its debut on February 6, 2005, the show has broadcast 136 episodes and began airing season 8 on September 30, 2012.[1] American Dad! has been nominated for awards, most prominently two Primetime Emmy Awards and two Annie Awards.[2] American Dad! has also received mixed reviews, mirroring the reception of Family Guy, and has been criticized by watchdog groups such as the Parents Television Council.[3] It holds a TV-14 rating for suggestive dialogue (D), offensive language (L), moderate to strong sexual content (S), and graphic violence (V).
一架满载乘客飞机从德国汉堡起飞目地美国波士顿有个从登机起就一直狂躁不安乘客掏出一支注射器给自己注射了一管很像胰岛素东西片刻之后整个身体开始液化这种现象迅速传遍了整个机舱所有乘客和机组人员身体都跟着开始融化。飞机准时波士顿洛根机场降落但飞机上无线电通讯却始终保持沉默。Olivia 和John启动了全面调查程序们一间秘密实验室里发现了一大堆化学实验设备John发现一名男子男子开始逃跑并掏出自己手机当按下几个键后实验室爆炸了。当Olivia苏醒来时发现自己躺医院John还活着唯一不同整个身体已经水晶化了各种拯救John方法都失败了面临失去爱人痛苦Olivia只有求助于唯一能帮人--天才科学家Walter Bishop博士人们一直认为Walter Bishop博士有精神病极其危险并将其锁精神病院里只允许家人前去探望现唯一家人就关系素来疏远儿子Peter--一个好赌成性天才,Olivia千里迢迢去巴格达找Peter强迫协助自己进入精神病院见到了性格滑稽、行为古怪、讲话不合逻辑疯老头Walter Bishop博士Olivia编了个理由把Walter从精神病院弄了出来。Walter回到了已经废弃了17年实验室Walter将Olivia意识植入John昏睡大脑中Olivia终于看清了飞机上那名元凶长相!这可能一对双胞胎兄弟!并且凶手替普罗米修斯公司工作!分享者影视,Olivia最终找到了Richard Stenson--本集故事中元凶但Richard却说这有人强迫干如果不干对方威胁要杀死兄弟当Olivia继续追查下去时发现隐藏FBI内部间谍就自己情人John Scott威胁Richard人也!但此时已被治愈John丧生于一场车祸中John究竟为谁工作?